Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Arid or unoccupied region. Wao one, wao akua, panoa, ānoa, mānā (terms used by Bible translators; Hawaiʻi has no deserts as occur in the Holy Land).

2. Abandon. Haʻalele; mahuka (flee).

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Panoa. Alpine ~. Panoa ʻalapaina.

h. ka hoopai pono.

hai. e haalele.

wăŏăku’ă, pāno’ă: to desert, hă‘ălě’lě.


/ De-sẽrt / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

E haalele wale; e mahuka. SYN. abandon; forsake.


/ De-sẽrt / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

Ka hua o ka hana. He will get his deserts, e loaa ana iaia na hua o kana hana.


/ Dĕs'ẽrt / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

He waoakua; aina neoneo.

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