Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Kolo. Also: kokolo, makolo, kaukolo, kōʻai, ʻakolo, koene, ilo, hihi, nihi, kulipeʻe, neʻe, neʻe heʻe, neneʻe, kaʻulī; ʻeʻeu (as an insect). To creep with age, kaikapū. Creeping rain, ua nihi. Creeping mist, ʻohu kolo.

e kolo me he keiki la.

hai. e kolo aku.

(crawl), kŏ’lŏ; (go secretly), hŏ‘ŏmŏ’hŏ.

v. E kolo; e kokolo me he keiki la; me he popoki la.

E huli iā “creep” ma Ulukau.

Search for “creep” on Ulukau.

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