Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Piʻi. Also: piʻikū, pinana, piʻina, eʻe, kūʻoʻili. To keep climbing, eʻeʻe. To climb mountains, piʻi mauna, eʻe kuahiwi. A place to climb with ropes, ala kuʻukuʻu.


heheleintransitive verb Eng to Haw, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

hehele, To Climb onto something. ʻEʻe.

e pii iluna.

hai. e pii iluna.

(ascend), pĭ‘ĭ; (as a tree), pīnă’nă.

E pii iluna, me Ka luhi.

E huli iā “climb” ma Ulukau.

Search for “climb” on Ulukau.

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