Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Ana, lua, pao; lua pao (burial); luakele (concealing); nupa (deep); peʻe pao, lua huna (hidden); ʻaʻaʻā (lava). To hide in a cave, peʻe pao.

he ana, he lua.

Cave, The

WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

Surf site, Honolua, Maui. One of three sections of the surf site at Honolua Bay. The Cave is the innermost section on the shallow reef fronting the large sea cave at the base of the sea cliffs.

h. he lua, he ana.

(ke) ā’nă, lu’ă.

E huli iā “cave” ma Ulukau.

Search for “cave” on Ulukau.

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