calabash Eng to Haw, Pukui-Elbert (1986), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for calabash, Pukui-Elbert (1986), Eng to HwnʻUmeke, ipu, pā ipu, hōkeo, hue, hulilau, ōpū hue, ipu pāwehe. Related: Also: māʻauʻau, palapaʻa, kākū, māhanakanaloa. Netted calabash carrier, kōkō ʻaʻaha. Strings by which a netted calabash is hung, kākai. To tie up a calabash, hōʻaha. References: See sayings, ʻumeke. Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
calabash / Cal-a-bash / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for calabash, Emerson (1845), Eng to Hwnh. he umeke.
calabash Eng to Haw, Judd/Pukui/Stokes (1943), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for calabash, Judd/Pukui/Stokes (1943), Eng to Hwn‘umě’kě; water gourd, hŭěwăĭ.
Calabash / Єal'a-bash / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for calabash, Hitchcock (1887), Eng to HwnHe umeke. Water calabash, hue wai.
Hāpai i wehewehena hou a i ʻole i ʻōlelo hoʻoponopono | Suggest a translation or correction E hāpai i kahi wehewehena a i ʻole hoʻoponopono no Wehewehe Wikiwiki. | Suggest a translation or correction to the Wehewehe Wikiwiki Community Dictionary for consideration. Mai hoʻouna mai i noi unuhi ʻōlelo. | This is not a translation service. Kou inoa | Your full name: Kou lekauila | Your email: Ka ʻōlelo a me kou wehewehena a i ʻole hoʻoponopono | Term and definition or correction: Term: calabash Feedback: Hāpai | Submit