Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Pūʻolo, ʻope, ʻopeʻope, pūʻā, wahī, paʻi; long bundle, holo; large ti-leaf bundle, kīpē; tied bundle, hīpuʻu.

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he ope, he puolo.

h. he puolo, he mau mea i nakiikii pu ia.

pū‘o’lŏ, (ke) ‘o’pě; (sheaf), pū‘ā’; bun- dle of poi, pa‘ĭ‘ăĭ.

1. Pu-a, Bundle of wheat, pua' huita. 2. He puolo. A bundle of papers, he puolo pepa. 3. Bundle of poi, pai ai; holoai. 4. Olaolao; laolao; ope.

E puolo; e pua; e ope; e hoolaolao.

E huli iā “bundle” ma Ulukau.

Search for “bundle” on Ulukau.

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