Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Hua kanu (plant). Electric light bulb, aniani kukui uila.

ʻŌpuʻu. Light ~. ʻŌpuʻu kukui. As of a lily or tulip. Hua kanu. ~ tip. ʻŌmaka hua kanu. Wet-and-dry-~ hygrometer. Ana kawaūea ʻōpuʻu pulu a maloʻo.

he mole poepoe me he akaaki la.

hu’ă kă’nŭ; (electric), (ke) a’nĭa’nĭ kūku’ĭ.

E huli iā “bulb” ma Ulukau.

Search for “bulb” on Ulukau.

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