Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Hanu, aho, ea, eaea. Breath of life, mauli ola, ane. Last breath, hanu pau (as one dying). See ex., kaʻapā. Bad breath, hanu pilo, ʻalaea. Deep breath, hanu nui. Out of breath, pauaho, paupauaho, ʻapiʻapi, ʻoaikū, kāʻili, kaʻahē, kaʻahili, manawaea. To hold the breath, ʻumi i ka hanu. Old breath-holding game, ʻū, nāʻū. To catch breath after exertion, pū hanu. To draw in the breath and expel it with whistling sound, hoe.

h. ke ea, ka hanu.

hă’nŭ, (ke) a’hŏ, (ke) ěă.

Ka hanu; ke aho; ke ea.

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