Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


There is no general term; the main usages follow.

1. As a stick or bones broken in two. Haʻi, hahaʻi, uhaʻi, haki, hahaki, hakihaki, uhaki; manunu; break easily, haʻi wale.

2. As a flat surface split or broken into pieces. Wāhi; wāwahi (for various uses, see Hawaiian-English entry and entries that follow it); wāhia, ʻulupā.

3. As a string that is severed. Moku, momoku, mokumoku, .

4. As a dish. Nahā.

5. General. Hoʻopilikia (damage); break open or burst, pohā, moku; break open, as a nut, kīkē, kīpō, kīmō; break or pluck, as flowers, ʻako, ʻakoʻako; break, as waves, poʻi, popoʻi, haki; break apart, as taro from stalk, kōhi; break, as lumps, ; break, as taboo, ʻaʻe, ʻaʻe kū, hehi, mauʻaʻe, hōʻaʻe, hehikū; break, as law, wāwahi, pale, haʻihaʻi; break, as a horse, hoʻolakalaka.

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To break the law. Haʻihaʻi kānāwai, ʻaʻe kānāwai.

Nā LepiliTags: law

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To break apart, in math, i.e. breaking a number into addends or factors; also to break or change, as a twenty-dollar bill. Wāwahi.

Nā LepiliTags: math economics

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

To break or stop, as an electric circuit. ʻOki.

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Page break, as in a computer program. Hoʻokaʻawale ʻaoʻao.

Nā LepiliTags: computers

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Fast break, in basketball; also to make a fast break. Ulele kikī.

Nā LepiliTags: sports basketball

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

as a law, hai; as glass, &c., naha; as a rope, moku, &c.

hai. e moku, e uhaki, e haihai, e wawahi, e naha.

(to fracture), uhă’kĭ, hă‘ĭ; (demolish), wāwa’hĭ; (sever), mo’kŭ; (as waves), po- pŏ‘ĭ; break open, kĭpō’; (shatter), ‘ulŭpā’; (as glass), năhā’; (tame), hŏ‘ŏlă’kălă’kă; (rend), haěhaě; (as day), wě’hěwě’hě.

1. E wahi; wawahi; kuipalu. SYN. break down; demolish. 2. E moku; e pai'na, Break a rope, e moku ke kaula. 3. E hai; uhai; uhaki. Break a law, e uhaki i kekahi kanawai. 4. E kipo'. Break open a door, e kipo i ka puka komo. 5. E ulupa'. SYN. dash in pieces. 6. E hoolakalaka. Break a horse to saddle, e hoolakalaka ka lio i ka noho. 7. E popoi. The surf breaks on the shore, ke popoi nei ka nalu ma kahakai. 8. E haalele; e kaaokoa aku. Break away from evil companions, e haalele i na hoalauna ino. 9. E hoopau wale. The meeting was broken up, ua hoopau wale ia ka halawai. 10. E haehae. To break the heart, e haehae i ka naau. 11. The day begins to break, ke wehe nei ke alaula; ke moku nei ka pawa.

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