below Eng to Haw, Pukui-Elbert (1986), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for below, Pukui-Elbert (1986), Eng to Hwn Lalo, i lalo, malalo, iho.
below / be-low / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for below, Emerson (1845), Eng to Hwn hl. maialo iho.
below Eng to Haw, Judd/Pukui/Stokes (1943), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for below, Judd/Pukui/Stokes (1943), Eng to Hwn māla’lŏ, ĭla’lŏ.
Below / Be-lōw' / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for below, Hitchcock (1887), Eng to Hwn Be-lōw', prep, and adv. Malalo; malalo iho; ilalo ae.
Below / Be-lōw / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887), Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for below, Hitchcock (1887), Eng to Hwn Malalo; malalo iho; ilalo ae.
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