Eng to Haw, Pukui-Elbert, Loulou paʻa | Permalinkno | for back, Pukui-Elbert, Eng to Hwn1. Anatomy. Kua.
- Related:
- Back of the neck, hono.
- To cling to the back, pili kua.
- To go behind one's back, hele i hope o ke kua, kō i kua.
- To call from behind one's back, kāhea kua.
- To turn the back on, huli kua (insult).
- Back wall of a house, paia o hope, huli kua.
- Stiff-backed, nanai, lanai.
- Burning back taboo, kuaʻā, kua liholiho, kualoi, kualoiloi.
- See taboo.
- Related:
- At the back, i hope, mahope.
- To back up or away, peki, emi hope, neʻe hope, hoʻoneʻe hope, koene.
- Back and forth, i mua i hope, haʻakuʻe, helo.
- To back water with a canoe, hoʻēmi hope i ka waʻa.
- Backed up against the wall (hard-pressed), pili pū i ka paia.
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