Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ aʻu.aʻu / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

n., Small aʻu fish.

Nā LepiliTags: fauna

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/ ʻau.ʻau / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. vi., To bathe.

  • Examples:
    • ʻAuʻau kai, to bathe in the sea.
    • ʻAuʻau wai, to bathe in fresh water.
  • References:

2. n., Stick, stem (as of ti plant); spear made of loulu palm, with shark teeth on its end; extra ridgepole.

3. Trap, snare, as for catching birds.

  • References:
    • And.

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1. Same as au #1; to walk lightly and swiftly.

  • Examples:
    • ʻO kāne hānau i ke auau pō ʻeleʻele, man born in the age of darkness.

2. Reduplication of au #3.

3. Reduplication of au #10.

4. Same as au #11.

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v. Conj. 6 of au, to swim. To bathe in water, as a person. Puk. 2:5.

2. To wash; cleanse with water. Oihk.15:5.

3. To take out wrinkles from a piece of cloth. Hoo., conj. 3. To wash; cleanse, &c.

4. Used imperatively, to excite; hasten; e auau aku kakou, e wikiwiki: e auau mai oe, come quickly, e wikiwiki mai oe; used also with ho. See HOAUAU.

s. A bathing; washing; ua hele i ka auau, he is gone to bathe.

adj. Of, or belonging to bathing; as, he wai auau; wahi auau.

s. Name of a certain aho (a small stick) to be thatched first in the process of building a heiau.

s. Name of a long slim fish; the guard-fish that swims near the surface of the water.

s. A snare for catching and killing birds; he pahele e make ai ka manu; he auau manu.

s. The stalk of loulu made into a spear; he ihe.

Auau (ă'u-ă'u), n.

/ ă'u-ă'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A species, of fish (Tylosurus giganteus) with long, powerful toothed jaws, the lower one being a trifle longer than the upper; a belonoid fish; a garfish or guardfish. Also known as ahaaha.

Auau (ă'u-ă'u):

/ ă'u-ă'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

bathing. Channel between Lanai and Maui.

Auau (au-ā'u), v.

/ au-ā'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To accelerate the movement or action of; to expedite; to hasten; to hurry.

Auau (ā'u-ā'u), v.

/ ā'u-ā'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To bathe; to immerse or wash in water.

2. To wet; to lave or suffuse. Aleale ka waimaka, auau i ka lihilihi.

Auau (ā'u-ā'u), n.

/ ā'u-ā'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A spear made from the stalk of the loulu palm (Pritchardia arecina), and mounted with shark's teeth on its pointed end.

2. A snare; a trap; a device for catching and killing birds. He, auau, he pahele e make ai ka manu; a trap, a device for killing birds. See pahele.

Auau (ă'u-ă'u), n.

/ ă'u-ă'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The small stick that is thatched to the rafters, to which the roof-covering is secured in the process of building a heiau or temple.

2. The act of bathing or the state of being bathed.

3. A bath; a wash; an immersion: Ua hele i ka auau, he has gone for a bath.

Auau (ă'u-ă'u), adj.

/ ă'u-ă'u / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Bathing; washing: He wahi auau, a bathing place.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Hill, northeast Kauaʻi. Channel between Maui and Lā-naʻi. Lit., bathe.

To swim, bathe in water, as a person.

To walk swiftly.

Name of a certain stick (aho) to be thatched first in the construction of a heiau; the stalk of the loulu palm made into a spear. (A.)

Stalk of the loulu palm made into a spear. Its outer end may have been trimmed with shark teeth.

to walk fast.

a bath : to wash.

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