1. Same as ʻāʻaua; lean, as fish.
2. n., Cawing, as of the ʻalalā, crow.
3. (Cap.) n., Name recorded for the star Betelgeuse.
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1. Same as ʻāʻaua; lean, as fish.
2. n., Cawing, as of the ʻalalā, crow.
3. (Cap.) n., Name recorded for the star Betelgeuse.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. nvi., Stingy, selfish, to withhold, detain, grudge, refuse to part with; stinginess; sparingly.
2. n., A kind of ʻōpelu fish said to be larger than others in a school and hence more visible. When net fishermen see an ʻauʻa they know a school is present; the ʻauʻa then can not be caught [he refuses].
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
vi., To look, observe.
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No base definition, only supplemental content.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
v. To dislike to part with property; to be stingy in giving.
2. To keep back what should be given to another; to withhold. Sol. 11:24.
3. Not to give a thing asked for; to be stingy.
4. To think so much of a thing as not to part with it. Kin. 45:20. Ua hewa no kahi aua ana o na Lunaauhau, some of the stinginess of the Lunaauhaus is wrong.
5. To look with regret upon a thing.
6. To forbid; withhold. Kin. 30.2.
7. To refuse assent to a proposal; not to be pleased with it. Laieik. 140.
s. The name of a fish.
s. Stinginess; closeness.
s. The voice of the bird alala.
adj. Close; hard; parsimonious; stingy; he pi, he paa.
Close; stingy; penurious.
To dislike to part with; to be close or stingy; to withhold or keep back; to retain.
Stinginess; closeness; penuriousness.
1. A species of milk-fish (Chanos chanos). Also called awa, awa-awa, awa kalamoku, and awa kalamoho.
2. The note of the bird alala (Corvus tropicus).
Voice of the ʻalalā, the Hawaiian crow (Corvus tropicus); a caw. See Birds of Hawaiʻi: ʻalalā.
Close, hard, stingy, parsimonious.
closeness: stingy : to withhold.
Withhold; detain; refuse to part with.
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