1. n. Swordfish, sailfish, marlin, spearfish (Istiophoridae 🌐).
- References:
- See sayings, laʻa #2, ʻoloʻolo #3.
- PPN haku.
2. pronoun. Me (used after e and me and fusing with iā to form iaʻu; Gram. 9.6.3).
- Examples:
- Hana ʻia e aʻu, done by me.
- Noho ʻoia me aʻu, he stayed with me.
- Nānā mai ʻoia iaʻu, he looked at me.
- References:
- PNP aku .
3. possessive My, mine (a-form, zero-class; Gram. 9.6.3).
- References:
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1. vi. To swim, travel by sea.
- Examples:
- ʻAuikekailoa (personal name), travel in the distant seas.
- Ua ʻau ʻia nā kai loa, the distant seas were traveled.
- References:
- PPN kau .
2. vi. To jut out into the sea, as a land point; to project.
- Examples:
- Aloha Makapuʻu, ʻau i ke kai, greetings to Makapuʻu (Point), reaching out into the sea.
3. n. Handle, staff, stem, stalk, shaft; bone of lower arm or leg.
- Examples:
- ʻAu loa, long bones in arm or leg; long-limbed, long-shanked.
- ʻAu kīpāpali (For. 6:61), shaft-like cliff slope.
- References:
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1. nvi. Period of time, age, era, epoch, cycle, the passing of time.
- Examples:
- I ke au o Kalani, in the time of Kalani.
- Ke au hou, the new era.
- Ua au wale ka pō, the night has passed on.
- E kala kahiko i au wale, gone a long time ago, long past.
- Na ke au o ka manawa e hōʻike mai, the passing of time will tell.
- References:
2. nvi. Current; to flow, as a current.
- Examples:
- Au kanaiʻi, strong current; figuratively, a strong warrior.
- Au kō malalo, undertow.
- References:
- PPN ʻau .
3. nvi. Movement, eddy, tide, motion; to move, drift, float, walk, hurry, stir; succession or train, as of thought, trend.
- Examples:
- Ke au nei ka manaʻo, pehea ʻo Niakala (song), the thought comes to mind, how fares Niagara.
- E au, ā e wiki mai, hasten, hurry here.
4. n. Gall, bile (Oihk. 3.4); gall bladder.
- Examples:
- ʻAwa ke au, bitter bile [rank ingratitude].
- Mālama a pakū ke au, take care not to break the gall bladder [do not cause bitterness].
- References:
- PPN ʻahu .
5. n. Weather.
- Examples:
- Wānana i ke au o ka manawa, forecast of weather.
- References:
- See ex., Koʻolau #1.
6. n. Small sweet potatoes of poor quality that grow from the vine.
7. n. Pumice.
8. n. Grain of wood.
9. vt. To weed.
10. vt. To rub, massage, polish.
11. vt. To set, as a net or fish trap.
12. Same as heau (Exocarpus 🌐 spp.)
13. n. Hedyotis acuminata, a native shrub (coffee family), with small green flowers, and unpleasant-smelling, ovate or narrower leaves.
- References:
- Cf. pilo #2.
14. pronoun, I.
- Examples:
- ʻO au pū, so do I; me too.
- References:
- PPN au .
- Gram. 2.1.
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kikino, Current.
- Source:
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kikino | noun / au /kikino, As the concept of time. Time.
- Source:
- Examples:
- Wahi a kekahi kālaikuhi kilohōkū, aia he hanana i pakū mai ai nā mea a pau, ʻo ka lewa lipo a me ke au kekahi. According to one astronomical theory, there was a moment when bursting forth from a single event.
kikino | noun / AU /s., The current in the ocean; au maloko o ka moana; o kahi o ke kai e wili ana, he au ia; he wili au kahi inoa.
2. The grain in wood.
3. The motion of the hand in mixing poi.
4. An action of the mind; as, ke au wale nei no ko'u manao e ake e pulelo iki ae, my mind is exercising, &c. See au, v., below.
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/ AU /v., To long after, or be wholly bent on; to be fully engaged in a course of conduct; alaila, au loa wan i na iuo o ke ao nei, then I was wholly engrossed in the vileness of the world; makemake, puni, lilo loa. See Au, current, above.
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kikino | noun / AU /1. s., Name of a fish with a sharp nose.
2. Name of a soft porous stone.
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/ AU /v., To swim; ua au na kanaka i ka moana, a pakele i ka make, the people swam the ocean and escaped death.
2. To float on the surface of water; to turn, as the eyes to look at something: i na ua ike oe e au ana kona maka. Laieik. 145. SYN. with nana ia.
3. Hooau., 3d conj. To cause to swim, to float: hooau hele aku la i na pahu o lakou, they floated along their (water) casks.
4. To convey, as on a raft. 2 Oihl. 2:16.
5. To swim through the water by the exertions of the arms and other limbs; poho ka uhane o ka poe make i ka moana, aole paha e hiki ke au iuka, the souls of those who sink in the ocean are lost, they are not able to swim ashore. Used imperatively, to quicken, to hasten; more generally doubled, as auau, which see.
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/ AU /s., A territory; district of country; generally compounded with other qualifying words; as, auakua, a desert, a place of gods, ghosts, &c. See auakua. Aukanaka, an inhabited country; aupuni, a large region, &c. NOTE.—Au is the term representing all places where food grows; as kaha represents such places as are on or near the shore where food does not grow. This applies mostly to the leeward side of the islands.
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kikino | noun / AU /1. s., Time; a period of time, more or less definitely designated, as the reign of a king, Ier: #28:1.
2. The time of one's life; i ke au ia Kalaniopuu; i ke au o Liholiho, in the time of Kalaniopuu, &c.
3. A season. Oih. 11:28. A portion of time.
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kikino | noun / AU /s., The gall of animals. Oihk. 3:4; Iob. 16:13; Met. Oih. 8:23.
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kikino | noun / AU /s., The handle or helve of an axe. Kanl. 19:5. The staff of a spear. 1 Sam. 17:7. The handle of a sword. Lunk. 3:22. The handle of an auger, &c.; an koi, au pahi.
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papani | pronoun / AU /pronoun, With a more protracted, smooth pronunciation than the foregoing, one of the auipili cases of the 2d person, singular of ʻoe. Gram. § 132. Thine; of thee.
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papani | pronoun / AʻU /pronoun, So written for aau, one a dropped and the apostrophe supplied. It is the auipili. one of the oblique cases of au, I. See Gram. § 124. Of me; mine. There is a sensible break in the pronunciation, to distinguish it from au. the 1st person, and from au, of the 2d person.
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papani | pronoun / Au /personal pronoun, 1st per. sing. I; when prefixed or preceded by the emphatic o, as o au, the compound sound resembles that of w; hence it has the forms au, o au, wau, and o wau; the o is no part of the word, and should be written separately.
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papani | pronoun / āu /pronoun, One of the forms of the possessive case singular of the personal pronoun of the second person: you or yours; of or by you.
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/ ăŭ /current. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaiʻi.
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/ āū' /1. v., To move through water by natural means of propulsion; to swim.
2. v., To float on the surface of water.
3. v., To accelerate the movement or action of; to expedite; to hurry.
4. v., To appear to go round and round; to seem to reel.
5. v., To have a craving wish, appetite, or desire; to yearn; to long for.
6. v., To ponder; to meditate; to reflect.
7. v., To be completely occupied; to be fully engrossed.
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papani | pronoun / ā'ū /pronoun, (written and pronounced ā'ū) One of the forms of the possessive case singular of the personal pronoun of the first person: my; of or by me.
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kikino | noun / āŭ /1. n., The part of an object intended to be grasped with he hand in lifting or using it; a helve; a handle.
2. n., The staff or shaft of a weapon.
3. n., A viscid, bitter fluid secreted by the liver; gall; bile.
4. n., A term applied to a tract of land inshore, suitable for cultivation, as distinguished from kaha, a narrow strip bordering on the seacoast, usually barren and not adapted to food production. A place; a region; a district; a country. It is seldom used as a separate word, but generally as a prefix to some other qualifying or limiting word: he auakua, a place of gods.
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/ ā'u /1. n., A species of fish (Xiphias gladius) haying the bones of the upper jaw consolidated to form an elongated sword-like process; a sword-fish.
2. n., A volcanic lava, spongy or cellular from bubbles of steam or gas which it contained during liquidity, used as a polishing-material; a pumice stone. Its porosity renders it so exceedingly light that when dry it floats readily on the surface of water, sinking only when thoroughly saturated. Owing to this property it is found very widely diffused over the ocean bed and is obtained in regions of active volcanoes, such as the Hawaiian islands, the Lipari Islands, etc.
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kikino | noun / ăŭ /1. n., A period or space of time.
2. n., A definite portion of duration, whether past, present, or future, considered as that in which something may happen; a duration of time, more or less definitely designated by the reign or the lifetime of a king: I ke au o Kalaniopuu, in the time (reign or lifetime) of Kalaniopuu.
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kikino | noun / āū' /1. n., A continuous movement in the same direction in the midst of the ocean; a tide; a current.
2. n., A circular motion, such as caused by an eddy in. a river or ocean, or produced by a circular movement of the arm.
3. n., The fibrous arrangement of the particles in wood or other vegetable substance, determining its hardness, smoothness, etc.; a grain.
4. n., A series, succession, or train of thought or opinion.
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papani | pronoun / āū /pronoun, I, the nominative case singular of the personal pronoun of the first person; the pronoun by which the speaker or writer designates himself. When preceded by the emphatic o, as o au, it takes the form wau for the sake of euphony.
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Handle or helve of an axe. (Kanl. 19:5.) Staff of a spear (1 Sam. 17:7.) Handle of a sword (Lunk. 3:22.)
Period of time; era; age; passing of time; to pass time.
Small, poor-quality potatoes that grow from a vine.
Pumice; soft, porous stone.
The current in the ocean.
To swim.
Movement of any kind; eddy, tide; walking, floating, hurrying.
This is the word representing all places where food grows, as kaha represents places on or near the shore where food does not grow. This applies mostly to the leeward side of the islands. (A.)
Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans). A member of the billfish family, which is pelagic. It attains a weight of 1,400 pounds and a length of 11 feet and is the most common marlin in Hawaiian waters. It has a deep metallic-blue color when swimming that turns leaden-gray at death.
To swim, float on the surface of the water.
I. he mea awaawa loa. Ma Ioba 16:13; 20:25, he wai awaawa a lenalena iloko o ke kanaka a me ka holoholona. Ma Ier. 9:15; 23:15, he mea awahia loa. Ma Ier. 8:14; Oih. 8:23, he mea pilikia ke ano.
to swim.
of me.
yours, thine.
(ke) ‘au handle, shaft.
(ke) a‘u swordfish.
period, reign.
(ke) au current, eddy or circular motion in water, train of thought; gall, bile.
1. A circular motion, such as caused by an eddy in a river or ocean; a continuous movement in the same direction in the midst of the ocean; a tide; a current (AP). 2. Current. 3. Any area where taro could be cultivated (ESH) Cf. Kaha. 4. A term applied to a tract of land inshore, suitable for cultivation, as distinguished from kaha, a narrow strip bordering on the sea coast, usually barren land not adapted to food production; a place; a region; a district; a country. It is seldom used as a separate word, but generally as a prefix to some other qualifying or limiting word, e.g. he ʻauakua, a place of gods (AP).
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