Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

ʻUme, alaʻume, hōnēnē, kāʻana, hoʻōnaona. To attract with the eyes, makakiʻi. To attract the attention of a bird, kono, kolo (by imitating its call).


/ At-tract / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845),

hai. e hoala i ka makemake, e hoowalewale e alakai e like me ka ma geneta.



/ At-trāct' / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

E ume. The sun attracts the earth, ume ka La i ka Honua. To attract attention, e ume i ka noonoo; or e ume i ka ike o ka maka.


/ At-trāct / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

E ume. The sun attracts the earth, ume ka La i ka Honua. To attract attention, e ume i ka noonoo; or e ume i ka ike o ka maka.

E huli iā “attract” ma Ulukau.

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