Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


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In math. ʻIli. Abb. ʻI. Quantitative measurement. ʻIli laulā, ʻili. Surface ~. ʻIli alo.

Transition ~, an ~ where natural topography changes from one land feature to another. ʻĀina loliloli.


h. o ka ili ma ke ana ana.

(size), nu’ĭ; (surface), ‘ĭlĭ.


/ Ā're-ȧ / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

n. Ili. SYN. surface. Area of land, ili o ka aina.

E huli iā “area” ma Ulukau.

Search for “area” on Ulukau.

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