Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvs., Cool, cold #1; coolness, temperature.

  • References:
    • PCP anu.

2. nvi., Cold #2, influenza; to have a cold.

  • Examples:
    • Ua loa ʻa i ke anu, to get a cold.

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ʻaʻano Temperature, when weather considered cold. ʻEhia ke anu o kēia lā? How cold is it today? Lit., cold. Cf. mahana, mehana, wela. See kēkelē.

adj. Cold; hui, huihui.

s. Cold; the absence of warmth; ua make au i ke anu, I am dead with the cold; huihui ko’u mau wawae i ke anu.

v. To be cold; to feel cold; ua anu au i kahi kapa ole, I am cold, haying no clothes; anu aku. la o Maunakea i ka hoilo, Maunakea feels cold in the winter.

Anu (ă'-nŭ), adj.

/ ă'-nŭ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Lacking heat or warmth; or low temperature; cold; frigid: Ka poai anu, the frigid zone.

Anu (ă'-nŭ), n.

/ ă'-nŭ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

The absence of heat or warmth; chilliness; cold: Ua make au i ke anu; I am dead with the cold.

Anu (ă'-nŭ), v.

/ ă'-nŭ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be cold; to feel cold: Ua anu au i kahi kapa ole; I am cold without clothes.

Cold, absence of warmth.

To be and feel cold. Ua anu au i kāhi kapaʻole, I am cold, having no clothes.

(ke) anu anuanu, cold.

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