nvt., To carry a burden on the shoulders, to lift weights; a burden.
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nvt., To carry a burden on the shoulders, to lift weights; a burden.
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1. v., To wink, as the eye. 1 Kor. 15:52.
2. To twinkle, as a star; ke amo mai la ka hoku; often doubled, as amoamo; applied to the winking of any animal. See imo.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. v., To bear or carry a burden on the shoulder. Puk. 27:7. To bear or bring along a weight; to carry.
2. FIG. To perform difficult offices of any kind. Puk. 18:22. SYN. with lawe. Oihl. 15:2.
3. Hooamo. To put upon the shoulders of one. NOTE.—To carry on the back is haawe; to carry under the arm is hii.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
s., A burden carried on the shoulders.
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1. n., A burden carried on the shoulders.
2. n., An athletic exercise exhibiting muscular strength in lifting.
3. n., A momentary drawing of the eyelids near together; a wink.
4. n., A sparkle or glimmer; a twinkle.
5. n., A momentary contraction of the anal muscles; hence,
4. n., The anus; also, the vagina.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. v., To bear or carry a burden on the shoulder; to bear a weight; to carry.
2. v., To carry responsibility, to be burdened with care.
3. v., To wink, as the eye.
4. v., To twinkle, as a star: Ke amo mai la ka hoku. Syn: Imo, amoamo.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
To wink. (Hal. 35:19.) To twinkle, as a star; contraction of the anal muscles. (PE.)
(ke) amo shoulder burden: to carry so.
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