Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

vs., Combined, acting together; to cooperate, act together.

  • Examples:
    • Alu like mai! Work in unity! Work together!
    • E alu, e alu, e kui lima! Cooperate! Cooperate! Join hands!
    • E alu ka pule iā Hakalau, combine prayers to overcome Hakalau.
    • He mau ʻīlio alu i ka hākākā, dogs that combine in fighting.
  • References:

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vi., Depression, gutter, ravine; lines of the hand, loose skin over the eyeball; tuck in a garment, shirring, ruffling; descent, as of trail or road; of low rank (Kep. 125); to bend, duck, hang, sag, slacken, stoop; to relax; to ruff, as a mat.

  • Examples:
    • Hoʻailona ʻalu, tuck creaser, of a sewing machine.
    • Hoʻonoho ʻalu, to make tucks, shirring; tucker on a sewing machine.
    • Mea hana ʻalu, tucker.
    • Wela ka hao, ʻalu ka uwea, the iron is hot, bend the wire [now is the time for fun, a saying originating at the Honolulu Iron Works].
    • Ua ʻalu ihola kapaniolo e lālau i ka pūʻolo, the cowboy leaned down to pick up the package.
  • References:

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kikino/hehele, Drive, as for cans; to conduct a drive.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • Examples:
    • Alu hōʻiliʻili nūpepa. Newspaper drive.
    • Alu hoʻomaʻemaʻe pā kula. School clean-up drive.

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ʻaʻano, Lax, as articulation, in linguistics.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: linguistics

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v. To combine, as several persons in aiding another either in a good or bad cause.

2. To give aid or assistance. Oih. 21:28. To help, as in quarrels where one is likely to be killed and several aid in effecting his escape.

3. To unite together, as several persons for a particular object.

4. To be connected, as the joints of the human body.

5. To adhere to; to act with; e alu aku mahope; make o Manono no ka nui o kona aluia, Manono died for the strength of her adherence to him.

v. To relax; hang down; be weak. Puk. 17:11.

2. To bend the knees; to courtesy.

3. To stoop down, as in entering a low door; to stoop down, as in hiding behind a low object; alu ae la maua e pee ana. Laieik. 207.

4. To ruff up, as a mat; ua alu na moena i ka nakuia.

5. Hoo. To loosen, as the tongue. Mar. 7:31.

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kikinonoun / A-LU / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. s. The lines of the hand.

2. A gutter; a ravine; kahawai awawa; a road descending a hill.

3. A courtesy.

4. The muscles of the eye. Hal. #76:4.

5. The skin and soft parts of men, fish, and all animals, when the bones are taken out. See alualu.

6. A name given to women who have borne children. See alualu.

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adj. Combined; acting together; he man ilio alu i ka hakaka.

Alu (ă'-lŭ), adj.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Combined; acting together: He mau ilio alu i ka hakaka.

1. n., A letting down; a depression.

2. n., The lines of the hand.

3. n., A road descending a hill; a ravine; a gutter.

4. n., The muscles of the eye.

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1. v., To relax; to hang down.

2. v., To bend the knees; to courtesy.

3. v., To stoop down, as in entering a low door; to stoop down, as in hiding behind a low object: Alu ae la maua e pee ana.

4. v., To be ruffled; to ruff up, as a mat: Ua alu ha moena i ka nakuia.

5. v., To unite forces for physical action; to combine for the purpose of aiding or overcoming: E alu ka pule la Hakalau; unite in prayers to Hakalau.

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WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Street, Kalihi Uka, Honolulu, Oʻahu. Literally, depression.

Nā LepiliTags: Oʻahu

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Lines of the hand; to be connected, as the joints in the human body; muscles of the eye.

(ke) alu to combine forces for action.

muscles of eye: to relax, hang down; ruffle up.

1. A road descending a hill; a ravine; a gutter (AP). 2. The descent on a road or trail; any depression, gutter or ravine (HE) (T) (PE). 3. A low place in a ridge (SMK). Also, ihona (SAM) (DM).

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