Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

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A group of nations that have agreed to help or protect each other; to form such an ~. Hui kuʻikahi. See consortium.


/ Al-li-ance / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845),

h. he kuikahi ma ka mare ana, he ae like iwaena o na aina elua.

kŭ‘ĭka’hĭ; (group), hŭ’ĭ.


/ Al-lī'ançe / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

He kuikahi; ke kuikahi ana. 2. He hui. Evangelical alliance, hui Euanelio.

E huli iā “alliance” ma Ulukau.

Search for “alliance” on Ulukau.

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