Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vt., To swallow, engulf, gulp, absorb.

2. n., Hollow or cavern on the sea floor.

  • References:
    • PCP ale(ale).

3. n., An endemic mountain plant (Plantago princeps), 60 cm to 2 m high, rarely branching, stem woody, with long narrow leaves at top; related to the laukahi,

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v. To swallow, in various senses; e moni aku.

1. When anything disagreeable is to be taken.

2. To drink in, as water.

3. To drink in, as the earth drinks water.

4. To swallow up, as the earth. Nah. 16:32. To absorb; to swallow, as a flood; to destroy.

5. To overpower, as an army. 2 Sam. 17:16. Ale wale, to swallow without choking.

6. Ke ale mai, to come up into, as tears into the eyes; as poets say, the tears welled up in her eyes.

s. A wave; a billow put in motion by the wind; a wave of the sea. Iob. 9:8. Aloia mai ai na ale ino o Lao Hao, having escaped the raging billows of Cape Horn; make iho nei ia iloko o ka ale o Pailolo, he was lately drowned in the waves of Pailolo; loi ale no i ke alia o kolo. FIG. Ale o ka make. 2 Sam. 22:5. Holo pipi ka ale o ka moana, the crest of a wave; ka ale, water put in motion; ka ale wai hau a ke ’kua, water of snow of the god. NOTE.—It was supposed that the gods made the snow.

Ale (ă'-lĕ), n.

/ ă'-lĕ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A wave; a billow put in motion by the wind; a wave of the sea: Aloia mai ai na ale ino o Lae Hao, having escaped the raging billows of Cape Horn.

2. The crest of a wave: Holo pipi ka ale o ka moana.

3. Water put in motion: Ka ale wai hau a ke 'kua, water of snow of the god. It was supposed that the gods made the snow.

4. The act of swallowing; a swallow.

Ale (ă'-le), v.

/ ă'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To swallow. Same as moni.

2. To engulf; to absorb; to draw into.

Ale (ă-lĕ), v.

/ ă-lĕ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To come up, as tears into the eyes. See haloi.

2. To stir up, as water. Syn: Aleale.

Ale, h. he mea inu, ua like me ka bia a ikaika aku.

h. he mea inu, ua like me ka bia a ikaika aku.

(ke) ale to swallow whole; to gulp.

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