Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., Path, road, trail.

  • Examples:
    • Ala iki, narrow or small path.
    • Ala i hiki ai, access, approach.
    • Ala hoʻi ʻole mai, a pathway on which there is no returning [death].
    • Ala a ka manu, a bird's trail [a life difficult to emulate].
    • Ala iki a kāhuna, the small path of priests [a difficult way of life].
  • References:

2. vi., To waken, stay awake; awake.

  • References:

3. vi., To rise up, arise, get up, come forward.

  • References:

4. Variant of ale #1.

  • Rare
  • Examples:
    • Ua ala ka iʻa i ka makau, the fish takes the hook whole.
  • References:

5. demonstrative, There (same as the more frequent and -la).

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kikino, Aisle, as in a supermarket.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning

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kikino, Lane, as on a highway or in a bowling alley.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning

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s., A variety of kalo, tough and stringy.

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adj., Fair eyed, but blind; ala ka maka, e like mo ko ka elemakule, dim sighted, as an old person.

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adj., Spicy; perfumed; aromatic.

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adj., Round or oval, as a smooth stone or bullet; hence, heavy; kaumaha, e like me ka ala o kahawai, heavy, as a smooth stone in a water course. See ALA, a round, smooth stone.

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s., A path; way; road; often alanui, great road; it is used in some places as synonymous with kuamoo; he kahi e hele ai; kuu aku ana keia i ke ala; po oloko i ke ala. Laieik. 62.

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v., A round, smooth stone; a pebble, such as has been worn by the water; he pohaku maloko o ka muliwai. 1 Sam. 17:40 and 49. Ala o ka maa, a sling stone. Zek. 9:15.

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v., To anoint; to dress a sore or a limb. 2 Sam. 19:24.

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v., To wake from sleep; to watch, i. e., to keep from sleep.

2. To rise up, as from a sleeping posture; e hikilele oia ma ka hiamoe ana. Puk. 10:23. Ala ku e, to rise up against one. Puk. 15:7.

3. To rise up, as a new generation of people; to come forward. Lunk. 2:10:

4. Hooala. To cause one to rise; to lift up; to rise from the dead.

5. To raise up; excite to action; to stir up, as the mind. 2 Pet. 3:1.

6. To stir up; excite to evil. Puk. 23:1.

7. To raise up, as a deliverer or benefactor. Lunk. 3:9.

8. To repair, as a broken down wall. Neh. 3:4.

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adj., Round or oval, as a smooth stone or bullet; hence, heavy: Kaumaha, e like me ka ala o kahawai; heavy, as a smooth stone in a watercourse. See ala, a round, smooth stone.

2. adj., Fair-eyed, but blind: Ala ka maka, e like me ko ka elemakule, dim-sighted, as an old person.

3. adj., Stone-blind: used invariably with the word maka; as maka ala.

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adj., Spicy; perfumed; aromatic.

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n., A path; way; road; often alanui, great road. It is used in some places as synonymous with kuamoo. He kahi e hele ai; kuu aku ana keia i ke ala; po oloko i ke ala.

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1. n., A round, smooth stone; a pebble, such as has been worn by the water: He pohaku maloko o ka muliwai; ala o ka maa, a sling stone.

2. n., A variety of kalo or taro resembling a kai, very glutinous and tasty and much liked as a food.

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1. v., To wake from sleep; to watch, that is, to keep from sleep.

2. v., To rise up, as from a sleeping posture: E hikilele oia ma ka hiamoe ana; ala kue, to rise up against one.

3. v., To rise up, as a new generation of people; to come forward.

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v., To anoint with perfumed oil; to rub with perfume.

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I. he mea oluolu ke honiia. O ka mohai o Noa a me ko Kristo, he oluolu i ke Akua, e like me ka mea ala maikai i ke kanaka, Kin. 8:21; Ep. 5:2. O ke kau ana o Iesu ma ke kea ke ala maikai o ka na lunaolelo ao ana, a lilo no keia i mea ola no kekahi poe hoolohe, a i mea make no kekahi poe i haalele, 2 Kor. 2:15, 16.

(ke) ala road, path, way: to awake, arise.

1. A path, road, or trail (PE). 2. A path, way, road (syn. kuamoʻo) (AP). Also, alanui.

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