Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ aka.hele / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

vi., Slow or moderate, cautious, careful, prudent (see ex., pukapai).

  • Examples:
    • Me ke akahele, circumspectly, prudently.
    • Ka noʻonoʻo akahele, careful consideration.
    • E hikiwawe mai i ka lohe, e akahele hoʻi i ka ʻōlelo, be quick to hear but slow to speak.

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v. See AKA and HELE, to go. To go slowly or moderately in doing a thing; to go carefully; the opposite of hikiwawe. E hikiwawe mai i ka lohe, e akahele hoi i ka olelo, be quick to hear, but slow to speak. Used also imperatively; beware; be cautious; e akahele ka pepehi mai o oukou i ke akua, beware of your striking the god; e akahele ka huhu, mai hikiwawe, be slow to anger, not quick.

Akahele (ā-kă-he'-le), v.

/ ā-kă-he'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Aka, carefully, and hele, to go.]

1. To go slowly or moderately in doing a thing; to go carefully; the opposite of hikiwawe: E hikiwawe mai i ka lohe, e akahele hoi i ka olelo; be quick to hear but slow to speak.

2. Used also imperatively; beware; be cautious: E akahele ka pepehi mai o oukou i ke akua, beware of your striking the god; e akahele ka huhu, mai hikiwawe, be slow to anger, not quick.

To walk with measured tread in doing a thing; to go carefully. (A.) E hikiwawe mai i ka lohe, e ahele hoʻi i ka ʻōlelo,“Be quick to hear, but slow to speak.” (PE.)

(ke) akahele to go, or going, carefully; to beware.

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