n. Sexual intercourse.
- References:
- PCP kainga.
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n. Sexual intercourse.
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s. Ai, to eat, enjoy, and na, contraction of ana (the participial termination of words equivalent to Eng. ing. See Gram.§ 204,2.) An eating; the means of eating, i. e., the fruits of the land; hence,
1. Land generally; a farm; a field; a country; an island. In this sense it is SYN. with moku, or mokupuni; elua inoa i kapaia ma ka mokupuni, he moku kekahi, a he aina kekahi, an island has two names, moku is one, and aina is the other. D. Malo. 7:1.
2. Any taxable privilege, as the right of fishing, the right to sell things in market, &c.
3. Any means of obtaining a living; e kii au e hao i kela waiwai, no ka mea, o ko'u aina no o ka hao wale aku, I will go and rob that property, because it is my means of living to rob. Haw. Hist.
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s. A contraction of ai ana. See above. An eating; a meal.
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adj. Eating; dining; papa aina, an eating table; hale aina, one of the six houses of an establishment; he hale aina oia kekahi, the eating house is one.
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s., The snap of a gun; the jar of a door; the report of lightning. See papaina.
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v., LIT. Being eaten. Used passively; to be destroyed; to be devoured; eaten up. Aina o Hawaii e ka pele, Hawaii is eaten by the volcano; aina ke kanaka e ka mano, the man was devoured by a shark; aina ka ai e ka puaa, the food was eaten by a hog.
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s., Pain; grief; weariness; disappointed affection; he kena, luhi, he lea.
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1. n., A series of short, sharp sounds in rapid succession; a crepitating or crackling sound; a crackling.
2. n., An explosive sound; a sudden loud noise; a report.
3. n., The act of snapping, or a sharp quick sound produced by it; a snap.
4. n., A loud, prolonged, sonorous sound or succession of sounds; a peal.
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1. v., To make ready for eating.
2. v., To furnish food.
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v., [A contraction of aiia ana, the present participle, passive form, of the verb ai.] Being eaten, consumed, or devoured; being destroyed or ruined: Aina o Hawaii e ka pele; Hawaii is being destroyed by the volcano.
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v., To be sore; to ache; to suffer pain.
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n., Soreness; ache; pain that comes from over exercise.
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1. n., The portion or quantity of food taken to satisfy the appetite; the substance of a repast; a meal.
2. n., That which is thrown away during or after eating; the refuse or discarded portion of a meal.
3. n., Anything refused or discarded as worthless; refuse; rubbish; trash: aina ko, cane trash.
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1. n., The exposed surface of the earth as opposed to the oceans and seas; land.
2. n., A country or district, large or small; a pasture; a farm; a field.
3. n., Land surrounded by water; an island.
4. n., A continent or mainland, as distinguished from an island.
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1. adj., Eating; dining: papa aina, dining table.
2. adj., Rejeced as unfit for or of no use; thrown away; refuse: Ke ko aina, the refuse cane.
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I. punawai, a o ENE i kekahi manawa, me ia ma Ene-rogela. He inoa ia o ke kulanakaukale no Iuda, a mahope kaawiia na Simeona, Ios. 15:32; 1 Oihlii. 4:32. He wahi hoi ia ma ka aoao akau o Kanaana, Nah. 34:11.
aina e (ʻāina ʻē). Foreign land.
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