Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


nvs., Pestilence, epidemic, heaped up, as dead bodies.

  • Examples:
    • Ahulau ihola nā kanaka i ka make, slaughtered bodies were heaped up.

Nā LepiliTags: health

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s. A pestilence among men. Hab. 3:5. A murrain among cattle. Puk. 9:3. A sickness like a pestilence. NOTE.—The most destructive raged while Kamehameha lived the first time at Oahu; Kamehameha himself was attacked, but recovered. Thousands were swept off by it at that time; probably in 1804.

adj. Epidemic; pestilential; mai ahulau, a pestilence; Oihk. 26:25.

v. To have the pestilence; to die with it; ua ahulau ae la na kanaka i ka make.

Ahulau (ā-hu-lau'), adj.

/ ā-hu-lau' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Epidemic; pestilential: mai ahulau, a pestilence.


/ a-hu-lāu' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

n., A pestilence; a sickness like a pestilence; any contagious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating. (This most destructive malady raged while Kamehameha I was living for the first time on the island of Oʻahu; Kamehameha himself was attacked but recovered. Thousands were swept off by it at that time, probably in 1804.)

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Ahulau (ā-hu-lau'), v.

/ ā-hu-lau' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be ill with a contagious disease; to die with it: ua ahulau ae la na kanaka i ka make.

I. he mai ino, mai hoolaha. Pili no keia inoa i kela mai hooloha keia mai hoolaha. Ma ka olelo a ka poe kaula, ua huiia keia mau mea ino ekolu, o ka pahikaua, o ke ahulau, a me ka wi, Ez. 6:11. Ier. 34:17. Puk. 9:14, 15;1 Nalii 8:37. He ahulau kekahi mai o na holoholona, Puk. 9:3. Ua manaoia, i ke keneturi 14, make no i kekahi mai ahulau, he 25,000,000 kanaka.

(ke) ahulau epidemic, pestilence.

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