Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

nvs., Heap, pile, collection, mound, mass; altar, shrine, cairn; a traplike stone enclosure made by fishermen for fish to enter; laid, as the earth oven.

  • Examples:
    • Ahu kele, mud heap; muddy.
    • Ahu ka pula! A heap of excreta [hence worthless; sometimes shortened to ahu only or to e ahu ana]!
    • Ahu ka ʻalaʻala! A heap of squid ink! Not worth much!
    • Ahu wawā, a great din.
    • Ahu ili, a large inheritance or transfer [said of reward, vengeance].
    • Ahu ʻenaʻena, a red-hot heap [an oven].
    • Ahu kapanaha iā Hawaiʻi ʻimi loa (Kep. 143), a mass of wondrous things in deep-delving Hawaiʻi.
  • References:

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nvt., Garment or covering for the upper part of the body and shoulders, as a cape, shirt, coat; to put on or wear such; fine soft mat, formerly often used as a cloak; mat used as a canoe cover; short for ʻahu ʻula.

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1. v., To gather or collect together. Kin. 43:11. Ahu iho la i kahakai, hu ae la ka lolo, they gathered them together (dead bodies) on the sea shore, the brains flowed; to collect one's food where there is little.

Ahu iho ka hoka i ka pakai,
Ku i ka pakai ka mea haku ole,
Lele ae no ka manu i Houa,
Hapapa wale iho no ka hokahoka.

To collect but gain little; ahu wale iho no, aole wahi kapa; ahu wale iho, aole ai; ahu wale iho no i ka oneanea.

2. To lay up, as in a store-house; to lay up for future use, as goods. Mat. 6:19. To store in the memory.

3. To lie strewed over the ground. Puk. 16:3.

4. To cover one with a cloak; to be merely covered. Iob. 26:6. To clothe.

5. Hoʻoahu. To collect what is scattered.

6. To fall together, as men slain in battle.

7. To keep; treasure up, as anger; hoʻoahu iho la i ka huhu maluna o kela poe, he kept in reserve his anger for that company.

8. To pile up, as stones. Ios. 8:29. To gather up; glean, as a field. Rut. 2:7.

9. To bring condemnation upon.

10. To reply to; to object to something said. Rom. 9:20.

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kikinonoun / A-HU / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. s., See aha. An assemblage or collection of things; ahu ai, a place for storing food; a collection of provisions. 2 Oihl. 11:11. Wahi ahu, a place for something, Iob. 28:1. Ahu pohaku, a pavement; a heap, as of stones. Kin. 31:46.

2. A heap of stones as a way mark. Ier. 31:21.

3. As a memorial. Ios. 7:26.

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adj., Storing; collecting; hale ahu, a store-house. Iob. 38:22.

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s., A fine mat; a coarse one is moena; a mat for covering a canoe; o ka uhi ana i ka ahu, ea, oia ka mea e pale aku i kekahi ale, the spreading over a mat, that is what will keep off some of the waves; ahuao, ahu mokoloa.

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adj., Storing; collecting: hale ahu, a storehouse.

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1. n., A place for storing things.

2. n., A heap of stones as a way mark or memorial.

3. n., A soft, fine mat often used as covering for the body. The ahu was used to protect the canoes at sea in rough weather: O ka uhi ana i ka ahu, ea, oia ka mea. e pale aku i kekahi ale; the spreading over a mat—that is what will keep off some of the waves; ahuao, ahu mokoloa.

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v., To be brought together; to be thrown into a heap; to be piled up indiscriminately.

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Fine mat used as a covering for the upper body, arms, and shoulders. See ahuhīnana.

Mat used as a canoe covering; fine mat used as a human cov- ering for the upper part of the body, as a shirt, coat, cape.

Upper body garment, shirt, cape, coat; fine, soft mat used as a cape or body covering; mat used as a cover for canoes.

(ke) ahu heap, storage.

clothing mat, canoe mat.

1. A pile of stones used as a marker (HE) (T). 2. Altar, shrine, cairn (PE). 3. To store or collect; a head of stones as a way mark or memorial (AP).

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