Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Reduplication of ahe; soft, gentle in sound; weak.

  • Examples:
    • Pā mai ku makani aheahe, the gentle wind blows.
    • He, kamumu o ke aheahe mālie, rustle of the gentle breeze, sound of quiet whispers.
    • Aheahe kahi ʻōpū i ka pōloli, the stomach feels weak with hunger.

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kik/ʻaʻ Gentle breeze; dust raised and small branches move, in meteorology. Dic. See makani.

s. See AHE. A light gentle breeze.

2. A faint diminishing sound; he kamumu o ke aheahe malie, a sound of a still, small voice. 1 Nal. 19:12. Aheahe ka makani ma Pu; aheahe mai ke kaiaulu o Waianae.

adj. A cough; a hacking cough; i ka manawa aheahe, ke kau aheahe make o Kahalaia ma laua o Humehume, in the time of coughing, there lighted a deadly cough upon Kahalaia and Humchume.

v. To be hungry; he pololi; aheahe kahi opu i ka pololi.


/ ā'-hē-ā'-hē / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adj., Light, gentle, soft. (Applied to wind.)

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Aheahe (ā'-hē-ā'-hē), n.

/ ā'-hē-ā'-hē / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A light, gentle breeze. See ahe (3).

2. A faint diminishing sound: he kamumu o ke aheahe malie, a sound of a whisper. Aheahe ka makani ma Pu; aheahe mai ke kaiaulu o Waianae.

3. A cough; a hacking cough: I ka manawa eheehe kau mai la ka eheehe make maluna o Kahalaia laua o Humehume; In the time of coughing, a deadly cough seized upon Kahalaia and Humehume. See eheehe.

Aheahe (ā'-hē-ă'-hē), v.

/ ā'-hē-ă'-hē / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be hungry: he pololi; aheahe kahi opu i ka pololi.

Gentle breeze accompanied by a faint whispering sound.

light breeze.

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