Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ weli.weli / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. Reduplication of weli #1; violent, dreadful, horrible, fearful, ferocious; revered; respectful, as of the word of a chief; full of awe.

  • References:

2. n., A small weli, holothurian.

3. Reduplication of weli #3; numerous, immense, prolific.

  • Examples:
    • Ua ʻapo ʻia mai ʻo Kawelo e nā kukuna weliweli o kō Kauahoa kūlana uʻi (FS 93), Kawelo was caught by the numerous terrible rays of Kauahoaʻs reputation as a youthful stalwart.
    • Weliweli ka pua, many flowers.
    • Weliweli ka nui o kēlā ʻelepani, the size of that elephant is immense.

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/ WE-LI-WE-LI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

v., See weli, s., 5. To tremble with fear; to fear; to dread.

2. To be astonished; to be amazed. Puk. 15:15.

3. To fear; to reverence as a child should a parent. Oihk. 19:3.

4. To fear and obey, as God. Oihk. 25:17.

5. To be in anguish through fear. Kanl. 2:25.

6. To be afraid of an enemy. Kanl. 20:3.

7. Hooweliweli. To cause one to tremble; to put one in fear.

8. To give one a charge; to threaten severely in case of disobedience. See olelo hooweliweli, to threaten. Oih. 4:17, 21.

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/ WE-LI-WE-LI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., Fear; dread; a trembling; a tremor through fear; a cause of fear. Laieik. 101.

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/ WE-LI-WE-LI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

adj., Fearful; causing fear; dreadful; terrible. Dan. 7:7. Oia no hoi ka pahu kapu weliweli loa. Laieik. 101.

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/ WE-LI-WE-LI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

adv., Hooweliweli. Fearfully; tremblingly.

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/ wē'-lĭ-wĕ'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adj., Fearful; causing fear; dreadful, terrible: Oia no hoi ka pahu kapu weliweli loa. Laieik. p. 101.

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/ wĕ'-lĭ-wĕ'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adv., Fearfully; tremblingly.

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/ wĕ'-li-wĕ'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Fear; dread; a trembling; a tremor through fear; a cause of fear. Laieik. p. 101.


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/ wĕ'-lĭ-wĕ'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. v., To tremble with fear; to fear: to dread.

2. v., To be astonished; to be amazed.

3. v., To fear; to reverence as a child should a parent.

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/ we'li-we'li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

terrible. Land section, Kona, Kauaʻi.

Nā LepiliTags: Kauaʻi Kona

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WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

Surf site, Weliweli, Hawaiʻi. Between ʻAnaehoʻomalu and Keawaiki and off the Von Holt family's beachfront home, Weliweli, with its unique coral and lava walls. Literally, fear.

Nā LepiliTags: Hawaiʻi

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fear, dread: terrible.

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