Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. v., To act, as the jaws in eating; to open and shut, as the mouth in eating or speaking.

2. To devour with greediness.

3. To chew, as food, i. e., the action of the jaws in chewing.

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s., Any instrument that opens and shuts after the manner of shears, scissors, a compass, bellows, &c.; a carpenter's compass. Isa. 44:13. The action of the material heart in receiving and sending out blood. Anat. 44. NOTE—Cutting instruments were formerly made of shark's teeth. See the compounds of the upa class.

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adj., Strong, as a man who does a great deal of work or rows fast in a canoe.

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1. n., Any instrument that opens and shuts after the manner of shears, scissors, a compass, bellows, etc.; a carpenter's compass. (Cutting instruments were formerly made of shark's teeth.)

2. n., The action of the heart in receiving and sending out blood.

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n., An onslaught; a furious assault; an attack or overwhelming strength: Hookahi no upa ana iho o Kamakauahoa, pau e Heulu ma i ka make. One furious assault by Kamakauahoa and Heulu and party were instantly destroyed.

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v., To assail with force; to attack with extraordinary violence.

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1. v., To act, as the jaws in eating; to open and shut. as the mouth in eating or speaking.

2. v., To devour with greediness.

3. v., To chew, as food, that is, the action of the jaws in chewing.

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strength. Land section. Puna. Kauai.

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