Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Toilet Bowl

WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

No base definition, only supplemental content.

  • 1. Reef, Haleʻiwa, Oʻahu. Hole in the reef off Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach Park. Surfers try to avoid the swirling water in the hole as they ride past it.
  • 2. Inlet, Hanauma Bay, Oʻahu. Small pool at the head of an inlet at Palea Point on the east side of the bay. The water from incoming surf rises and falls like the filling and flushing of a toilet, giving the site its colorful name. Swimmers floating in the pool ride up and down with the movement of the water.
  • 3. Underwater tunnel, Lāʻie Point, Oʻahu. Named for the movement of the water as it surges through the tunnel.

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