Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi. To cling, stick, adhere, touch, join, adjoin, cleave to, associate with, be with, be close or adjacent; clinging, sticking; close relationship, relative; thing belonging to.

  • Examples:
    • E pili kāua, let's be together.
    • Hehi i ka pili, wehe i ka pili, to abolish relationship.
    • Maka pili, squinting eyes that seem almost closed.
    • Pili hukihuki, clashes between close associates, a bickering relationship.
    • He pili wehena ʻole, an unseverable relationship.
    • Pili i ka hewa, to be found guilty.
    • Pili ke kua me ke alo, the back and front meet [said of a thin person].
    • Ke kukui ka pili ia o ka uhu, the kukui is the thing pertaining to the parrot fish; the kukui is related to the parrot fish (see kukui #1).
  • References:

2. n. A grass (Heteropogon contortus 🌐) known in many warm regions, formerly used for thatching houses in Hawaiʻi; sometimes added to the hula altar to Laka, for knowledge to pili or cling; thatch (preceded by ke).

  • Examples:
    • Hale pili, house thatched with pili grass.
    • Lei kōkō ʻula i ke pili (song), red network lei [rainbow] on the pili grass.
    • Hū wale aku nō ka waiwai i ke pili (Kep. 119), the wealth overflowed on the pili grass [of great quantities].
  • References:
    • Neal 80.

3. vt. To refer, concern, relate, pertain, apply.

4. n. Shingles, so called because they replace the pili grass of the roofs of the old houses (preceded by ke).

5. nvt. A wager, bet, stake; to bet, wager.

6. n. Border, edge of time units, especially of late night.

  • Examples:
    • Pili aumoe, the late night.
    • Ka pili o ka wanaʻao (Laie 469), at the approach of dawn.
    • Ka pili o ke ahiahi (Laie 457), at the end of the evening, nightfall.

7. n. Uncolored sheets in a kuʻina, sleeping tapa.

8. n. Lining of a quilt under the layer of cotton or wool.

9. n. First stage of poi-pounding, with taro beginning to stick.

10. n. A narrow or precarious pass.

  • Rare

11. Same as ʻume, the game, so called because the wand touched (pili) the players.

  • Rare
  • References:
    • Malo 215.

12. Same as ʻōpili, numb.

  • References:
    • UL 61.

Nā LepiliTags: preceded by ke flora time tapa kalo rare

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

ʻAoʻao pili. Adjacent leg or side of a right triangle.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Place, Wilhelmina Rise, Honolulu, Oʻahu, probably named for pili grass used for thatching.

  • References:
    • TM.

Nā LepiliTags: Oʻahu

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Grass (Heteropogon Contortus), used for thatch. In early days, pili was pulled with roots left on. As cutting tools were introduced, the grass was cut and piled, all root ends facing one way on the ground. The grass was carried carefully to the house site, not bunched but with stalks all facing the same way. (KILO.) See lule.

Uncolored sheets in a kuʻina; kapa for sleeping. (PE.)

A grass, tanglehead (Heteropogon contortus), once used for thatching houses, both walls and roof. It was preferred because of its pleasant odor, brown color, and neat appearance. In a warm, dry climate a thatching job would last for ten years.

coarse grass; relations: related to: to adhere; to coincide; to bet.

1. Relatives. Mist v. Kawelo, 11 Haw. 587, 588 (1898). 2. Pili grass. McBryde Sugar Co. v. Robinson, 55 Haw. 260, 288, 290 (1973). 3. Along; adjoin; next to; to touch; interested. 4. Belong, pertain.

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