Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. v., To be turned or to lean to one side.

2. To turn off, as when land is taken away, perhaps for a fault, perhaps not; ua laweia ka aina, opeaia ke kanaka.

3. To drive one away; hakaka laua, a opeaia o mea e mea.

4. To bind one's hands behind his back; opeaia kona mau lima; to cross; to tie cross-wise; to treat ill.

5. To abuse or treat one evil without reason.

6. To judge unrighteously. Sol. 18:5.

7. To treat the gods with contempt and risk the consequences. See pea.

8. To throw over one, as a kapa, or as a child over the shoulder.

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s., A cross, as sticks crossed. See pea and kea. The cross stick which holds up the outer and upper end of a sail.

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s., Used probably for opeia, what is bound up; a testicle.

Nā LepiliTags: anatomy

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adj., Villainous; perverse; not trusty.

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adj., Villainous; perverse; not trustworthy.

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n., Testicle.

Nā LepiliTags: anatomy

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n., [O and pea, a sail.] Small boom or spar to extend and elevate the sail of a canoe.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To overthrow; to overturn; to be turned or to lean to one side.

2. v., To turn off as when land is taken away perhaps for a fault, perhaps not: ua laweia ka aina, opeaia ke kanaka; to drive one away: hakaka laua, a opeaia o mea e mea.

3. v., To bind one's hands behind his back: opeaia kona mau lima; to cross; to tie crosswise; to abuse or ill treat one without reason.

4. v., To judge unrighteously.

5. v., To treat the gods with contempt and risk the consequences. See pea.

6. v., To throw over one, as a tapa, or as a child over the shoulder.

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a cross. Land section, Hilo, Hawaii.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Hawaiʻi

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