Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

n., Name of the most populous of the Hawaiian Islands and the seat of Honolulu. The name has no meaning (see Pukui, Elbert, and Mookini; 1975, 262).

  • References:
    • See saying kau poʻohiwi, and epithets, Oʻahu (English-Hawaiian).

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Nā LepiliTags: Oʻahu geography

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n., Name of one of the Hawaiian islands. (The word evidently refers to Ouahou. a tract in Borneo; and to Ouadju. a state in Central Celebes, whose inhabitants are kindred to the Pacific Polynesians. Pol. Race. Fornander. Vol. 1, chap. 8.)

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/ o-ā'hu / WahiLocation, Parker,

a gathering place. Island.

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Most populous of the Hawaiian Islands, 40 miles long, 26 miles wide, with an area of 608 square miles and a 1970 population of 768,561. Honolulu is the major city and State capital. See Appendix 6.8 for a refutation of a meaning often quoted, 'gathering place'. Epithets: Oʻahu o Kākuhihewa, Oʻahu of Kākuhihewa (an ancient chief); Oʻahu a Lua, Oʻahu [child] of Lua (Lua slept with Papa after Papa became angry about husband Wākea's infidelity; Lua gave birth to Oʻahu; HM 302).

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Oʻahu is the third largest (597.1 square miles) of the eight major Hawaiian islands. It has a populalion of 876,156 (U.S. Census figures for 2000 indicate that Oʻahu's population makes up 72.3 percent of the state's total of 1,211,537 residents). The highest mountain on the island is Kaʻala with an elevation of 4,003 feet, and the pua ʻilima (Sida fallax) is the emblem of the island. Oʻahu's nickname is the Gathering Place. The island of Oʻahu is also known as the County of Honolulu.

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