/ Moku-mana /Islet (0.7 acres, 40 feet elevation), Keʻanae qd.; gulch, Māʻalaea qd., Maui.
- Literally, divided island or divided district.
Islet (0.7 acres, 40 feet elevation), Keʻanae qd.; gulch, Māʻalaea qd., Maui.
1. Island (.7 acres, 40 feet high), Keʻanae, Maui. One of two state-owned islands near Pauwalu Point. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Also known as Bird Island. 2. Island, Kawailoa, Oʻahu. Small island adjoining the shore west of Waimea Bay. Also known as The Point. Lit., branched island. The seaward side of the Oʻahu island divides, or branches, into two small points.
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