Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ Mō-kapu / WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),
  1. A bird islet (3.6 acres, 360 feet elevation), Kamalō qd., north Molokaʻi.
  2. Peninsula, elementary school, point, quadrangle, and land division, Kailua, Oʻahu; originally named Mokukapu (sacred district) because Kamehameha I met his chiefs here; it was “the sacred land of Kamehameha” (Sterling and Summers 5:165).
  • Literally, taboo district (mō- is short for moku).
  • References:
    • See North Beach.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Molokaʻi Oʻahu

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  1. Beach, snorkeling site, surf site, Wailea, Maui. One of five calcareous sand beaches fronting the Wailea resort complex. The beach was named for a small rock island called Mōkapu. During World War II, however, the island was almost entirely destroyed by the military during combat demolition exercises. Today it is indistinguishable from the other sub-merged rocks off the north end of the beach. The surf site is off the beach. The reefs at Mōkapu are considered to be among the best snorkeling sites on Maui.
  2. Island (3.6 acres, 360 feet high), Kalaupapa, Molokaʻi. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. One of two sea stacks on the east side of Kalaupapa Peninsula.
  3. Native Hawaiian burial dunes, Mōkapu, Oʻahu. In the backshore of North Beach at the edge of the Klipper Golf Course on Marine Corps Base Hawaiʻi, Kāneʻohe Bay. The dunes contain the precontact burials of native Hawaiians.
  4. Peninsula, Mōkapu, Oʻahu. Wide point of land that separates Kāneʻohe and Kailua Bays and includes two large volcanic cones, Ulupaʻu and Puʻu Hawaiʻiloa. The peninsula has been a military base since the 1930s and has been occupied by Marine Corps Base Hawaiʻi, Kāneʻohe Bay since 1952. In pre-contact times, it was a meeting place for Hawaiian chiefs.
  5. Beach, Wailea, Maui. Fronting the Renaissance Wailea Beach Resort.
  • Literally, sacred district ( is short for moku).

Nā LepiliTags: Maui Molokaʻi Oʻahu

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