Kalepolepo (kă-le'po-le'po):
/ kă-le'po-le'po /the dusty place. Land section, Wailuku, Maui.
the dusty place. Land section, Wailuku, Maui.
Land division and beach near Kīhei, Maui. La Pérouse called the bay now named for him Keriporepo (Healy 30–31).
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Beach, beach park, fishpond, Kīhei, Maui. Calcareous sand beach in and on either side of Kalepolepo Fish-pond. The small landscaped beach park borders the inner edge of the pond. The fishpond is also known as Koʻieʻie. Lit., the dirt. Possibly for the large dust storms that once swept through this area.
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