Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


nvs., Hawaiʻi (both the island and the group of islands); Hawaiian person; Hawaiian.

  • References:
    • See saying, kuauli.
    • PPN Sawaiki.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Hawaiʻi. See kuauli, righteousness. This name occurs in many parts of Polynesia (Havaiki: New Zealand, North Marquesas; ʻAvaiki: Cook Islands, Savaiʻi: Samoa). In some areas, but not in Hawaiʻi, it is the name of the homeland, or of the underworld to which the dead went. Epithet, island of Hawaiʻi: great Hawaiʻi of Keawe (a chief). Hawaiʻi nui a Keawe.

iʻoa, Hawaiʻi; Hawaiian.

  • Existing dictionary word

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Also Hawaiian. Hawaiʻi.

Nā LepiliTags: geography

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Largest island in the Hawaiian group, 76 miles wide, 93 miles long, with an area of 4,038 square miles and a population in 1970 of 63,468. Hilo is the major town and county seat. County and collective name for the entire island group (1970 population 769,913). This name occurs in many parts of Polynesia (Havaiki: New Zealand, North Marquesas; ʻAvaiki: Cook Islands; Savaiʻi: Samoa). In some areas, but not in Hawaiʻi, it is the name of the homeland, or of the underworld to which the dead went. Epithets for the island of Hawaiʻi: Hawaiʻi nui a Keawe, great Hawaiʻi of Keawe (a chief); Hawaiʻi kua uli (PH 222), green-backed Hawaiʻi.


WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

Hawaiʻi is the largest of the eight major Hawaiian Islands (4,028 square miles). It has a population of 148,677. The highest mountain on the island is Mauna Kea, with an elevation of 13,796 feet, and the pua lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha) is the emblem of the island. Hawaiʻi's nickname is the Orchid Isle; it is also called the Big Island because it is twice the combined size of the other seven islands. The state takes its name from this island.

Largest island in the Hawaiian chain, called the Big Island. Hilo is the main town and also the county seat. Area about 4,000 square miles. Population about 80,000. The largest and highest mountains, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, close to 14,000 feet each and formed of lava, are in the central part of the county. Mauna Kea has long been a burgeoning beacon to astronomers and their instruments due to clear air and the absence of local lights at night.

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