Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi., Sin, vice, offense, fault, error; to sin (Kan. 9.21), err.

  • Examples:
    • Ke kala mai i ka ʻino a me ka hala (Puk. 34.7), forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.
  • References:

2. vi., To pass, elapse, as time; to pass by; to miss; to pass away, die.

  • Examples:
    • Ua hala ka manawa, time has passed; it is late.
    • Hala nō ka lā, the day indeed passes [enough for the day].
    • A hala i ka lani (Kanl. 9.1), up to heaven.
    • He ʻelua mano a me kona hala, eight thousand and more.
    • Kainoa a hala, it did happen; I thought it would happen.
    • Nome hala ʻole (Kel. 42), going on without stopping.
  • References:
    • PPN sala.

3. n., The pandanus or screw pine (Pandanus odoratissimus 🌐), native from southern Asia east to Hawaiʻi, growing at low altitudes, both cultivated and wild. It is a tree with many branches, which are tipped with spiral tufts of long narrow, spine-edged leaves; its base is supported by a clump of slanting aerial roots. The pineapple-shaped fruits are borne on female trees whereas the spikes of fragrant, pollen-bearing flowers are borne separately on male trees.

  • Examples:
    • Puna paia ʻala i ka hala, Puna, its walls fragrant with pandanus [fragrant flowers were placed indoors in house thatching and under mats].
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: flora health medicine

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v., To miss the object aimed at. Lunk. 20:16. Nou mai la ia, a hala ka pohaku; nou hou mai la ia a hala hou no; a i ke kolu o ka nou ana, pa aku la; he threw and the stone missed; he threw again and missed again; the third time he threw he hit.

2. To be gone; to pass away; to pass over.

3. To proceed; to pass onward; to go beyond. Nah. 22:18. To pass away, as time.

4. Hoʻohala. To miss the object; to cause to err; to be guilty or blame-worthy.

5. To depart from a command, or act in opposition. Kanl. 1:43. To err in opinion; to disobey; to object to a request or command; to refuse obedience. Eset. 3:3. To transgress. Nah. 14:4.

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s., A trespass; a sin; an offense; a transgression.

2. A matter of offense. Kanl. 9:21.

3. A law case; e imi hala, to seek occasion against. Lunk. 14:4. Lawe hala, a sinner; hala ole, without sin; without cause. Puk. 34:7.

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adj., Sinful; wicked; kanaka hala, a sinner; one often breaking some law.

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adv., Sinfully; in a state of sin; hanau hala, born a sinner.

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adv., (Referring to space past over) onward; throughout; even to; up to; he pa pohaku a hala i ka lani, a stone wall (reaching) clear up to heaven. Kanl. 1:28. Also a hala, clear up to. Kanl. 9:1.

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s., The pandanus tree.

2. The pine-apple.

3. A species of fish.

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1. n., Sin; transgression: hala ole, without sin.

2. n., Offense.

3. n., A law case.

4. n., The pandanus tree (Pandanus odoratis simus). Coarse mats are made from the leaves and wreaths (lei) from the ripe fruits. The tree is also known as lauala or lauhala.

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1. v., To miss the object aimed at: Nou mai la ia, a hala ka pohaku; nou hou mai la ia a hala hou no; a i ke kolu o ka nou ana, pa aku la; he threw and the stone missed; he threw again and missed again; the third time he threw, he hit.

2. v., To be gone; to pass away, as time; to pass over.

3. v., To pass onward; to go beyond.

4. v., To err; to be guilty or blameworthy.

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1. adv., Sinfully; in a state of sin.

2. adv., (Referring to space past over.) Onward; throughout; even to; up to; he pa pohaku a hala i ka lani, a stone wall (reaching) clear up to heaven. A hala, clear up to, is also used.

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adj., Sinful; wicked; kanaka hala, a sinner.

Nā LepiliTags: religion

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Drive, Kamehameha Heights, Honolulu, Oʻahu. Literally, pandanus.

  • References:
    • TM.

Nā LepiliTags: Oʻahu

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Pandanus tree (Pandanus odoratissimus, synonym P. tectorius), a native from Hawaiʻi to southern Asia. It is distinguished by its aerial roots which grow out from the trunk like stilts, looking as if the tree were walking on them; hence, the name “walking trees.” Tips of the young aerial roots were formerly used medicinally. Lau hala leaves, which are tough and pliable, were (and are) plaited into many durable articles: floor and sleeping mats, baskets, fans, sandals for lava walking. In Hawaiʻi the blind are taught to plait lau hala. The fragrant flowers were used in many ways to take advantage of the much desired scent, as is shown by this expression of Puna, Hawaiʻi: Puna paia ʻala i ka hala, Puna, its walls fragrant with pandanus. Drupe of the hala, usually orange in color, is a fragrant material for leis. (NEAL 51.)

Pandanus or screw pine (Pandanus odoratissimuss), native to Hawaiʻi with wide branches and long aerial roots. Substantial crafts were built around its products. (NEAL 51.) See Plants: Uses.

Pandanus or screw pine (Pandanus spp.), native to the region from southern Asia to Hawaiʻi. Its base is supported by a clump of slanting aerial roots. It has many uses: its leaves (tau hala) are made into mats, baskets, and hats; the red to yellow fruit sections are used for leis; male flowers, to scent kapa; leaflike bracts, to plait mats. Fragrant flowers of the hala were placed indoors under the mats and in the thatch of the walls to maintain a sweet-scented and airy effect in the house. (NEAL 51.)

I. 2 Nalii 17:6. E nana HA- BORA.

sin: wicked: to sin; to miss.


1. Sin, vice, offense, fault, error (PE). 2. To pass, elapse, as time; to miss, to pass away, die (PE).

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