/ HAI-NA /s., Hai, to speak, and ana. A speaking; a declaration.
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/ HAI-NA /1. v., A verb formed from the contracted hai ana. See hai. To tell; to relate; to declare; to speak.
2. To break, as a command; as a law. See hai #1.
3. To break, as a stick; hence,
4. To reject; to destroy; to take no care of, as one sick. NOTE.—The ideas of speaking, declaring, &c., seem to be nearly connected in Hawaiian with breaking.
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/ HAI-NA /1. s., A speaking; a declaration; a conversation.
2. A breaking, as of a stick or other thing; a breaking of a law.
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/ HAI-NA /v., To abuse; to be stingy of food; to withhold food from those who deserve it.
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/ HAI-NA /adj., Cruel; unmerciful; hard hearted.
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/ ha'i-nā' /adj., Cruel; unmerciful; hard-hearted.
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/ ha'i-na /n., [Hai, to speak, and ana participial ending.] A speaking; a declaration.
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/ ha'i-nă /1. n., A declaration; a conversation.
2. n., A breaking, as of a stick or other thing.
3. n., A breaking of a law.
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/ ha'i-nā' /1. v., To be stingy of food.
2. v., To withhold anything from those who deserve it.
3. v., To forsake.
4. v., To act unkindly; to be ungrateful; to be unmindful of.
5. v., To abuse.
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/ ha'i-nă /v., [Contraction of haiia, passive of the verb hai, to tell.] Tell; confess; declare; speak. (Used imperatively.)
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/ hā'i-nā' /to be cruel. Land section, Hamakua, Hawaii.
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Land section, Hāmākua qd., Hawaiʻi.
- * Pronunciation and meaning are uncertain.
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