Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vt. To strangle, choke, suffocate, stifle, throttle, smother, suppress; to repress, as desire. E ʻumi i ka waimaka, hold back the tears. (PPN komi, PCP kumi.)

2. num. Ten, tenth (num. from 11 to 19 are listed below). (PPN kumi.)

See entries below and hapa ʻumi.

hamani To pressure, in basketball. ʻUmi nui ʻia ʻo Karl Malone e ʻekolu mea kūpale i nā minuke hope loa o ka hoʻokūkū. Karl Malone usually gets pressured by three defenders in the last few minutes of the game. Dic., ext. mng.

Nā LepiliTags: sports basketball

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WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Caverns, Mauna Loa qd.; peak, Wai-piʻo qd., Hawaiʻi. Land section, Ka-haku-loa qd., Maui. These places are probably named for the sixteenth-century chief of Hawaiʻi. Street and former land section, Ka-lihi Kai, Honolulu. Lit., strangle. (The name is probably derived from the strangling of a victim used as a human sacrifice at the heiau Hāuna-pō which stood in the vicinity of the present street; TM.)

To strangle.

Strangled, suffocated, choked to death.

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