Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas 🌐), a perennial, wide-spreading vine, with heart-shaped, angled, or lobed leaves and pinkish-lavender flowers. The tuberous roots are a valuable food, and they vary greatly in many ways, as in color and shape. Though of South American origin, the plant has been a staple food since ancient times in many parts of Polynesia, as well as in some other regions.

  • References:
    • HP 131–66, Neal 706–7.
    • PEP kumala; cognates elsewhere in Polynesia may be borrowings from PEP.

2. n., A variety of sugar cane, a yellow mutant of ʻakoki with large stalks; often called pilimai and similar to it but stronger.

  • References:
    • HP 221, 225.

3. See uhi ʻuala, a variety of yam (Dioscorea alata 🌐).

4. n., Large muscles of the upper arm, biceps, brachii.

5. n., A kind of cowry shell (no data).

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Mākala ʻuala. Biceps, i.e. the muscle of the front of the upper arm.

Sweet potato. See Sweet Potato: Glossary.

Large muscles of the upper arm.

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Its tuber, scraped and mixed with the scrapings of a ti stem, then warmed and strained, induces vomiting. (BHK; NEAL 706.)

Sweet potato cowry shell. Rare, dark-yellow form of the money cowry shell. Also called lehoʻuala. (EAK 196.)

Yellow mutant of ʻakoki. It has very large stalks, and is often called pili mai because of a close similarity, but it is a stronger cane.

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