Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., General name for fishes included in the families Eleotridae 🌐, Gobiidae 🌐, and Blennidae 🌐. Some are in salt water near the shore, others in fresh water, and some said to be in either fresh or salt water.

  • Examples:
    • ʻOʻopu ʻai lehua, poetic description of ʻoʻopu found in upland streams where lehua flowers drop into the water; literally, lehua-eating ʻoʻopu.
    • Kau ke alapiʻi a ka ʻoʻopu, the ʻoʻopu fish form a stairway [ʻoʻopu are said to jump over rocks from pool to pool].
  • References:

2. (Cap.) n., Name of a wind associated with Waiheʻe, Maui.

  • References:
    • For. 5:101.

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Hawaiian sleeper or goby of the families Eleotridae and Gobiidae, a small bottom-dwelling fish. Young are called hinana.

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