Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. n., Bone; carcass (as of a chicken); core (as of a speech).

  • Examples:
    • Kona iwi, his [own] bone.
    • Kāna iwi, his bone [as a chicken bone he is chewing on].
    • Iwi koko, bloody bones [a living person].
    • Iwi koko ʻole, bones without blood [a dead person] .
    • Kō iwi, your own interests, your own.
    • Hana nō i kā kō iwi, do for your own bones [take care of your own interests].
    • Kō kō iwi ʻāina hānau, your own land of birth.
  • References:

2. n., Shell, as of coconut, candlenut, gourd egg, shellfish.

3. n., Remnants, pieces, as of coral in a lime pit after lime is extracted by burning, or as pieces of broken glass.

4. n., Corncob.

5. n., Stones or earth ridge marking land boundary.

6. n., Long line, as of surf.

7. n., Midrib, as of pili grass or ti leaf.

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1. Variant of ʻiʻiwi, a bird; considered by some an ʻaumakua.

2. nvs., Reddish.

3. n., Twitching of the eye, sometimes accompanied by contraction of the mouth.

  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: fauna birds color

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kikinonoun Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

kikino, Side of a sporting field or court.

  • Literally, stones or earth ridge marking land boundary.
  • Examples:
    • Laina iwi. Side line. Also: laina ʻaoʻao.
    • Laina iwi kī. Side line of the key on a basketball court.
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: sports basketball football soccer tennis volleyball

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kikino, Bone.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word

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kikinonoun / I-WI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. s., A bone.

2. The midrib of a vegetable leaf.

3. The side of an upland field of kalo.

4. A cocoanut shell; the rind of sugarcane.

5. The stones stuck up along the boundaries of ilis, or rather lands; sometimes a low stone wall; e kuhikuhi i ka iwi o ko ka poe kahiko wahi i mahiai, to point out the boundary stones of the places where the ancients cultivated.

6. Any hard broken material; the remnants of other things, as corn cobs, the remains of lime pits; paiwi.

7. Used FIG. for near kindred. Kin. 29:14. Alaila pomaikai kaua, ola na iwi iloko o ko kaua mau la elemakule. Laieik.

9. Then we two shall be happy, our descendants shall live in the days of our old age. See the names of some of the bones of the human frame below. He iwi halua oe; he iwi kau i ka awaloa, reproachful epithets.

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kikinonoun / I-WI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., The name of a small bird with red feathers; o ka iwi, he ulaula ka hulu.

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v., To turn aside; to be crooked, as the eyes of cross-eyed persons.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / I-WI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

adj., Crooked; pointed; curved, as most bones are; ina i ehuehu me ke kikala, he hulu iwi ia puaa.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / ĭ'-wĭ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. adj., Crooked; curved.

2. adj., Pointed; stiffly bearded; bristled. Ina i ehuehu ma ke kikala, he hulu iwi ia puaa.

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kikinonoun / ĭ'-wĭ / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., A bone.

2. n., The midrib of a vegetable leaf.

3. n., The side of an upland field of taro.

4. n., A coconut shell.

5. n., The stones that mark the boundaries of lands, sometimes a low stone wall; the boundary stones or stone wall. Ka iwi o na wahi a ka poe kahiko i mahi ai; the boundary stones of the places where the ancients cultivated.

6. n., A corn-cob.

7. n., The remains of a lime-pit or lime-kiln.

8. n., A near kindred; a close relative: He iwi halua oe, he iwi kau i ka awaloa.

9. n., See iiwi.

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v., To look obliquely; to cast sidelong glances; to squint.

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iʻoaproper noun WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Way, Wilhelmina Rise, Honolulu, Oʻahu.

  • Literally, bone or land boundary.

Nā LepiliTags: Oʻahu

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Bone, used figuratively for near kindred. Alaila pōmaikaʻi kāua, ola nā iwi iloko o ko kāua mau lā ʻelemakule, then we two shall be happy, our descendants shall live in the days of our old age.

bone; close relative.

1. Term used for stones thrown up along the side of a moʻo ʻāina, kīhāpai or mala, used to demarcate boundaries (ESH). 2. The iwi stones that mark the boundaries of lands, sometimes a low stone wall; the boundary. Stones or stone wall (AP). 3. Stones or earth ridge marking land boundary (PE). 4. A road path or way (HE) (T). 5. A near kindred; a close relative (AP). 6. Bones. Also, iwi kuamo ʻo (T).

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