Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., Flesh, meat, flesh and blood, muscle, sinew, essence, substance.

  • Figuratively, a relative; heart or gist of a matter.
  • Examples:
    • Make nō ʻo Pāmano i ka ʻiʻo ponoʻī, Pāmano died of his own flesh and blood [said of harm done by relatives].
  • References:
    • PPN kiko.

2. vs., True, genuine, significant, real; really, truly, surely, actually; true worth.

  • Examples:
    • ʻAʻohe ʻiʻo hoʻi? Not really?
    • No laila, ʻiʻo akula! Fine!
    • Ka mea ʻiʻo makamae, the truly precious thing.
    • He akua ʻiʻo nō Lono, Lono is a true god.
    • E uhaele ʻiʻo aku kākou, let's do go.
    • Ke aliʻi ke piʻi i ka ʻiʻo, the chief is the one ascending to true significance.
  • References:

3. n., Grain of wood.

  • Examples:
    • ʻIʻo lau liʻi, grain with slight curliness.
    • ʻIʻo nalu, wavy grain.
    • ʻIʻo pū maiʻa, grain straight as a banana stalk.
  • References:

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