Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


n., Large taro-like plants (Alocasia macrorrhiza 🌐, Xanthosoma robustum).

  • References:
    • Neal 156, 162.
    • PPN kape.

Nā LepiliTags: flora

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Large taro-like plant (Alocasia macrorrhiza), a main ingredient for treating burns. Its leaves are used in relieving headaches and neuralgia; its milky sap to relieve nettle stings. In addition, it helped ward off evil spirits, and its potion could stimulate love. (NEAL 156.)

Large, taro-shaped plant (Alocasia macrorrhiza). (NEAL 156.) See Plants: Uses.

Large, taro-shaped plant (Xanthosoma robustum) with huge, heart-shaped shiny green leaves. At one time cultivated in small patches of dry land in the mountains. In times of scarcity the Hawaiians cooked the coarse underground stem for food. The milky juice of the plant is said to relieve nettle stings. Native stinging nettle is rare. (NEAL 162.)

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