Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ ʻala.ʻihi / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. n., Various species of squirrelfishes of the family Holocentridae 🌐, including Flammeo sammara (spotfin squirrelfish, 185 mm), Adioryx lacteoguttatus (whitespotted, 117 mm), A. diadema, (crown, 109 mm), A. xanterythrus (Hawaiian, 132 mm), A. tiers (Tahitian, 259 mm).

2. n., Pale pink tapa; any faded color

3. n., A variety of sugar cane named for the fish, either a deep-red mutant of ʻāwela or related to it; internodes barrel-shaped, leaves purple.

  • References:
    • HP 221, 224.

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Squirrelfish (Adioryx lacteoguttatus). More of a deep-water fish. Young are called ʻaʻalaʻihi.

Pale pink kapa.

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