Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ ʻā.wela / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. n., Young stage of the hou fish, Christmas wrasse (Thalassoma fuscum).

2. vs., Heated, hot.

3. n., A flowerless variety of sugar cane, named for the fish; it is green and yellow striped, becoming flushed with rose in the sun; the internodes are barrel-shaped and the leaves variegated.

  • References:
    • HP 221, 224.

Nā LepiliTags: fauna fish flora

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Christmas wrasse (Thalassoma fuscum). Has a distinctive side marking of erect oblong boxes in two rows alongside most of the body. It grows to 12 inches. Its young are called ʻōhua pa awela.

Flowerless cane, yellow and green striped, that becomes flushed with rose in the sun. The leaves are variegated, the leaf sheath striped with white. Named for the ʻāwela fish because of its markings. (HP 221, 224.)

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