Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science (PIPES)

PIPES Alumni by Intern Year: 2012

All PIPES Alumni by Year

2012 University of Hawaiʻi Hawaiian Internship Program (UH-HIP) Interns

Aaron Osorio

Project: Mentor field tech crew.

Mentor: Kaleo Wong.

Host Organization: Oʻahu Army Natural Resources Program.

Anela Akiona

Project: Climate change vulnerability assessment for main Hawaiian island native species.

Mentor: Deanna Spooner.

Host Organization: Pacific Island Climate Change Cooperative.

Cash Helman

Project: Kipuka size and rat removal treatment on seedlings.

Mentor: Dan Gruner.

Host Organization: University of Maryland.

Daniel Jennings-Kam

Project: Exploring the relationships between coral and their associates using confocal laser scanning microscopes.

Mentor: Ruth Gates.

Host Organization: UH Mānoa Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology.

Emily Cadiz

Project: Vertical mixing of submarine groundwater discharge and impacts of carbon dioxide at Kiholo Bay, HI.

Mentor: Steven Colbert.

Host Organization: University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Marine Science.

Hoku Tobin

Project: Developing a high school curriculum incorporating the Hilo Bay buoy and traditional Hawaiian ecological knowledge.

Mentor: Tracy Wiegner.

Host Organization: University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Marine Science.

Jessica Kirkpatrick

Project: Athropod diversity and host specificity on Sophora chrysophylla and Chenopodium.

Mentor: Fritz Klasner.

Host Organization: Office of Mauna Kea Management.

Jordan Au

Project: Effectiveness of Oʻahu invasive species Miconica calvencense eradication efforts.

Mentor: Susie Lott & Rachel Neville.

Host Organization: Oʻahu Invasive Species Committee.

Kathryn Akamine

Project: Understanding survival of outplanted native species on the winward slope of Mauna Kea.

Mentor: Cheyenne Perry & Mike Robinson.

Host Organization: Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance.

Keenan Komeiji

Project: Ephiphyte growth on Hawaii island across the rainfall gradient.

Mentor: Jon Price.

Host Organization: University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Geography.

Kekoa Ochmann

Project: Invasive predator abundance affecting Hawaiian Coot populations.

Mentor: Raymond MacGuire.

Host Organization: Big Island Invasive Species Committee.

Lauren Bauers

Project: Hawksbill Project.

Mentor: Lauren Kauprita.

Host Organization: Hawaiʻi Hawksbill Turtle Recovery Project.

Leiana Kekoa

Project: Restoration ecology program at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Mentor: Sierra MacDonald.

Host Organization: National Park Sevice.

Makalani Pina

Project: Parasitism rates of Hawaiian lepidoptera relative to elevation in the forests of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa.

Mentor: Bob Peck.

Host Organization: USGS-Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center.

Marie McKenzie

Project: New methods for controlling invasive plants using large herbivores.

Mentor: David Burney.

Host Organization: National Tropical Botanical Garden.

Maybeleen Apwong

Project: Food Web Ecology: Alien parasitism rates of lepidoptera in wet and mesic forests of Hawaiʻi island.

Mentor: Bob Peck.

Host Organization: USGS-Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center.

Nanea Lindsey

Project: Developing a youth education program that links conservation and agriculture.

Mentor: Pauline Sato.

Host Organization: Malama Learning Center.

Nick Nyuguen

Project: Understanding the movements of rats at UH Mānoa.

Mentor: Chris Lypcezk.

Host Organization: UH Mānoa-USFWS.

Ron O'Brein

Project: New methods for controlling invasive plants using large herbivores.

Mentor: David Burney.

Host Organization: National Tropical Botanical Garden.

Stephen McAucliffe

Project: Ecological restoration at Kahakaleonui Bird Corridor.

Mentor: Cheyenne Perry & Mike Robinson.

Host Organization: Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance.

Tyson Fukuyama

Project: Growth rate of limu kohu in the tetrasporophytic phase.

Mentor: Maria Haws.

Host Organization: University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Center (PACRC).

2012 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Interns

Alexis Dziedziech

Project: Resource allocation and competition experienced by Iʻiwi.

Mentor: Bob Peck.

Host Organization: USGS-Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center.

Edgar Lugo

Project: Eluetherodactylus coqui: Social behaviors of the male species.

Mentor: Gary Ten Eyck.

Host Organization: University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy.

Emily Mishina

Project: The Kipuka Project: Study of bird nesting and rat diet.

Mentor: Dan Gruner.

Host Organization: University of Maryland.

Kanoe Steward

Project: Tissue nutrient pools and growth rates of the opportunistic alga Ulva spp. on Hawaiʻi's leeward coast.

Mentor: Bruce Dudley.

Host Organization: USFS-Institute for Pacific Island Forestry.

Laurence Walsh

Project: The effect of topography and substrate age on nutrient availability.

Mentor: Kealoha Kinney/Susan Cordell.

Host Organization: USFS-Institute for Pacific Island Forestry.

Lori Bothwell

Project: Leaf litter decomposition and temperature in Hawaiian tropical forests.

Mentor: Christian Giardina & Creighton Litton.

Host Organization: USFS-IPIF.

Louise Economy

Project: Carbon dioxide concentrations in freshwater systems and their influence on carbonate saturation.

Mentor: Steven Colbert.

Host Organization: UH Hilo Marine Science.

Malia Stewart

Project: Investigating functional diversity of seedlings.

Mentor: Laura Warman.

Host Organization: USFS-Institute for Pacific Island Forestry.

Mickhale Green

Project: Microbiol water quality in Hilo Bay.

Mentor: Tracy Wiegner.

Host Organization: University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Marine Science.

Peter Sepulveda

Project: Trunk epiphyte species and frequency across an elevation gradient in the north-eastern section of Hawaii Island.

Mentor: Jon Price.

Host Organization: University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Geography.