Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science (PIPES)

PIPES Alumni by Intern Year: 1999

All PIPES Alumni by Year

1999 University of Hawaiʻi Hawaiian Internship Program (UH-HIP) Interns

Anne Rosa

From: Oʻahu.

Project: Researching Hawaiian Legends and Cultural History of Hanauma Bay and Vicinity.

Mentor: Peter Rappa and Elizabeth Kumabe.

Host Organization: Hanauma Bay Education Program, UH Sea Grant.

Dalton Kiko

From: Hawaiʻi.

Project: Recruitment and Standard Sampling of Australian and Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in the Wailoa River Estuary and Hilo Bay.

Mentor: Robert Nishimoto.

Host Organization: DLNR/DAR.

Eren Martin

From: Hawaiʻi.

Project: BRD Environmental Education.

Mentor: Leona Laniawe.

Host Organization: USGS PIERC.

Erika Akaka-Belsky

From: Hawaiʻi.

Project: Big Island Real Property Tax Incentives for Forestry.

Mentor: Karl Dalla Rosa.

Host Organization: Institute for Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA Forest Service.

Kalani Spain

From: Hawaiʻi.

Project: Evaluating density and distribution changes of Christmasberry at Manuka Natural Area Reserve.

Mentor: Stephen Hight and Robert Cabin.

Host Organization: Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA Forest Service.

Kaliko Amona

From: Project: Kosrae.

Project: Role of Crabs in Recycling Mangrove Leaves.

Mentor: Katherine Ewel.

Host Organization: Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA Forest Service.

Kami Lowe

From: Maui.

Project: Research and Management of Recovery of Endangered Birds on East Maui (Haleakala).

Mentor: Sharon Reilly.

Host Organization: DLNR-DOFAW Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project.

Keola Castro

From: Maui.

Project: Research and Management of Recovery of Endangered Birds on East Maui.

Mentor: Sharon Reilly.

Host Organization: Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project.

Koa Chai

From: Oʻahu.

Project: Restoration on the Pu’uhonua O Honaunau Anchialine Fish Ponds.

Mentor: Phil Dendel.

Host Organization: National Park Service.

Kristi Haleakala

From: Maui.

Project: Summer Enrichment Program 1999.

Mentor: Kuhea Paracuelles.

Host Organization: Volcano National Park.

Lasha Salbosa

From: Oʻahu.

Project: Acacia koa Characteristics and Variations Present among different Seed Sources.

Mentor: Nick Dudley.

Host Organization: Hawaii Agriculture Research Center.

Malia Lee

From: Hawaiʻi.

Project: Impacts of feral pig (Sus scrofa) density on soils in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Mentor: Peter Vitousek/Dave Penn.

Host Organization: Stanford University/Magma Lab/Volcanoes National Park.

Melissa Lockyer

From: Oʻahu.

Project: Comparison of Forest Floors under Four Introduced Tree Species.

Mentor: Paul G. Scocroft.

Host Organization: Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA Forest Service.

Mila Misa

From: Hawaiʻi and American Samoa.

Project: Germination of native species on various substrates in Hawaii Forests.

Mentor: Bob Cabin.

Host Organization: USDA Forest Service.

Punua Malama Souza

From: Oʻahu.

Project: The Impacts of Mangroves on the Restoration and Management of Hawaiian Fishponds.

Mentor: Jim Allen.

Host Organization: Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA Forest Service.

Sami Freitas

From: Oʻahu.

Project: Ko'olau Watershed Partnership Program.

Mentor: Pat Costales and Earl Pawn.

Host Organization: DLNR.