Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Agriculture, B.S. - Animal Health and Management Specialty

Four-Year Academic Map 2023-2024

This is a sample academic plan for students entering on the 2023-2024 catalog. Students should meet with an academic advisor prior to registration to formulate their own plan. Please tap the button following each course to view course description and prerequisites or see the UH Hilo Catalog for more course information.

Year 1: Fall Semester

Course Credit
DA, DH or DL: Arts, Humanities, Literature I 3
ANSC 141 3
CHEM 161 (DP: Physical Science) 3
CHEM 161L 1
BIOL 171 3
BIOL 171L 1
Credits 14

Year 1: Spring Semester

Course Credit
DA, DH or DL: Arts, Humanities, Literature II 3
ANSC 193 3
BIOL 172 3
BIOL 172L 1
ENG 100 (FW: Written Communication) 3
CHEM 162 or CHEM 141 3
CHEM 162L 1
Credits 17/16

Year 2: Fall Semester

Course Credit
AG 291 3
CHEM 241 or AGEC 330 or AGBU 320 3
CHEM 241L 1
AG 230 (FGB: Global Multicultural Perspectives) 3
WI Elective 3
DS: Social Science I 3
Credits 16/15

Year 2: Spring Semester

Course Credit
ANSC 254 3
CHEM 242 or AGRN 310 3
CHEM 242L or Elective 1/3
BIOL 275 (DB: Biological Science) 3
BIOL 275L (DY: Science Laboratory) 1
Required MATH Course See note 1 (FQ: Quantitative Reasoning) 3
Credits 14/16

Year 3: Fall Semester

Course Credit
ANSC Production 1 3
ANSC 450 3
PHYS 151 or Elective 3
PHYS 151L or Elective 1/3
GL: Language Arts 3
Credits 13/15

Year 3: Spring Semester

Course Credit
DS: Social Science II 3
ANSC 350 3
PHYS 152 or HORT 262 3
PHYS 152L 1
ANSC Production 2 3
AG 200 WI 3
Credits 16/15

Year 4: Fall Semester

Course Credit
ANSC Production 3 3
BIOL 410 or Upper Elective 3
BIOL 280 3
ENTO 304 3
Credits 15

Year 4: Spring Semester

Course Credit
AG 375 or BIOL 376 or Upper Elective 3
FGA or FGC: Global Multicultural Perspectives 3
GQR: Quantitative Reasoning 3
WI Upper Elective 3
AG 496 1
Credits 16


Students will choose between taking the Pre-Vet option courses (denotated by the symbol) or Livestock Production option courses (denotated by the symbol).

  1. Required MATH course. Choose one course from the following:
    • MATH 135 , MATH 135T , MATH 140 , MATH 140X , MATH 241 or MATH 242